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In a Manor of speaking.....



With the weather being good here yesterday I was able to fire up the airbrush in the workshop so work on the Manor has progressed nicely.


One thing I did want to make sure was I got the chimney on straight because originally when I fitted it there was a distinct 'wonk' on! In order to combat this I used a 4.5mm HSS drill bit and turned it with my fingers to enlarge the existing hole. The size was determined by the piece if plastic tube I had to hand which would fit inside the DMR chimney. Thankfully this made fitting of the replacement chimney with Superglue easy. A clean up with a glass fibre burnishing pen finished the process nicely. The photo below shows this clearly and made a good solid vertical fit. Phew!:




I've removed the plastic Bachmann lamp bracket from the smokebox door and made a replacement from a bent up staple. Working from the photograph of 7818 on an earlier post I've also added the two pips either side if the safety valve and a pipe that runs from the cab next to the reverser housing down on to the running plate and goodness knows where after that?!


The boiler was then masked off and the smokebox sprayed with Valejo Black acrylic avoiding the previously painted copper cap on the chimney.




Then I masked off the smokebox and sprayed Phoenix GWR green over the boiler. handrails, touched in other areas around the cab and on the tender avoiding the GWR transfers.




Here's a close up shot of the chimney insitu and the paintwork as described above. This will receive a coat of Valejo satin varnish before being lightly weathered.




Also in the above photo you'll see the brass safety valve cover has been filed down to give a finer lip. This has then been refinished with a mix of Games Workshop Burnished/Shining Gold seen below. Also the David Geen cab screw reverser housing has been cut down to fit the cab as per prototype and will be fitted once the glazing is put back in.




Jobs to do include making up some brake gear linkages, seats for the cab, sort out the water filler lid in the open positioning and some detail painting. Then name/number plates can go back on before finishing.


I'm pleased with how this project has gone so far. It's been good to revisit some modelling from 5 years ago and see how I've developed as a modeller by enhancing the previous work and also creating a better model of a class that certainly deserves a more up to date model to the standards of the DJM/Hattons King!

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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

Excellent work there Mark. I especially like the way you tackled that chimney. They can be difficult to align, and I've certainly had such problems with chimneys in the past.



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  • RMweb Gold

Excellent work there Mark. I especially like the way you tackled that chimney. They can be difficult to align, and I've certainly had such problems with chimneys in the past..


Thanks for the kind words Rob.


I'm pleased with how the work on 7802 is going.





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  • RMweb Gold

What a beauty. Clever work on the chimney, getting boiler fittings straight is one of those things that can make my hands shake!


I have this theory that as long as you get the paintwork right and the vertical bits truly vertical, then the eye will be happy and you can get away with almost everything else on a model. A gross simplification, I know, but I think it's got some truth in it.


Of course in this case you've got all the other bits right too. Thanks for the tip on the two shades of GW (ha!) paint.

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