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Craftsman Models 1P auto tank......



I`m actually heavy into O Guage since retiring, but I need a break from my 7mm Diorama layout, which has fully occupied my time this year, having made baseboards, track, laid track, wired track, and finally tested track.......


I have kept a selection of my 4mm modified and kit built stock and it was while I was `stocktaking` I came across a 4mm project I put to one side in 2005 having built it the year before.......


She`s not `state of the art` and there are a few errors and compromises to be looked at but I`m thinking seriously about spending a little more time on her.......




She is based on a Craftsman models kit with a different chassis assembly and even has Ultrascale wheels. I `improved` the buffer beams by using Cavendish MR sprung buffers and various vac piping to produce a push pull variant.......




I used a variety of parts from the bits and bobs box to replace dome and chimney and added the obligatory lamp irons. I can`t find the photo I worked from but she is based on 58051 that was based at Leicester and finally Highbidge.




Anyway.... after a decade I think she has a quaint charm about her and am considering working on her again......







The lining as a bit poor and she has those wonky shaped cast whitemetal splashers,but with weathering etc and a bit of detailing inside the cab...... i think she might be worth saving.....


What do you think ????????

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I think you've done an excellent job Rosspop you should be extremely pleased with the results. A fine model indeed definately worth saving ( and that coming from a GWR modeller too !)

Keep up the good work it'd be good to see more please.

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  • RMweb Gold

Beautiful loco and work. So much character. I wouldn't have noticed the lining issue if you hadn't mentioned it. 

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Beautiful loco and work. So much character. I wouldn't have noticed the lining issue if you hadn't mentioned it.


Totally agree with Mikkel, sometimes I think we are too critical of our own workmanship ( maybe not a bad thing ?) but it also helps us to strive for better things.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks bg and mikkel...... yep, I`ve decided to just make a few adjustments, namely to move the front sanding gear as I think that this was done when she was refitted anyway, it should be behind the front steps. Fit some cab flooring and a backhead  and add a loco crew to fill the cab and some glazing.


She also needs a change of pickups  and I shall have ago at filling in some space between the drivers and rear bogie.   I`m rather pleased I did`nt scrap her all those years ago as you say she`s got a bit of character about her.


It has puzzled me as to why I had fitted her for push pull and further searching in the attic has unearthed a part finished Perseverance LMS push-pull coach !!!!.... More of that in the next episode........


Posting off an order to Alan Gibson for some cast backheads............

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  • RMweb Gold

Beautiful work Rosspop.


I think this class may have worked from Wellingborough as well on the Higham branch.


I'm pleased you're only going to do minimal work on her because she's a lovely model and well nicely finished.


Be good to see some work on the autocoach.


I wonder what else is stashed in your loft? ;)





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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Mark


I think your right they did and they were also shedded at Bedford which is my home town....


I wont be exploring the attic for a while as the whole job has aggravated my knackered back ....... hey ho! the challenges of railway modelling....


Seniority/senility are terrible things..............



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Which replacement chassis did you use? Is it Bill Bedford, or using Gibson milled, or something?


Cracking looking model though - shows what can be done from the basis of the kit...

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Jub.


10 years ago I looked on Bill`s website and his 1P chassis was in preparation, and taking a look today ,it still is which is a pity as I like his stuff...........


I guess if a RTR manufacturer produced a 1P Bill might kick start production.......



I used a Jim Maidment chassis kit which he used to produce in 4mm for his SDJR version. Sadly he died in 2010 and his 4mm and 7mm ranges died with him.





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I remember seeing them at Bedford working the locals to Northampton St Johns - real contrast to the Stanier 2-6-2Ts that were also found on the service. I hope the one in my stash turns out half as smart as yours - even without the update.

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