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Diesel Electric D16/2 part 1



blog-0369488001442946599.jpgI've been researching a Southern Railway diesel electric locomotive from the years immediately prior to nationalisation in 1948 and the subsequent birth of British Railways. The loco was designated D16/2, the original design was by O V Bulleid and was built at the Ashford works in Kent.

Only 3 were ever built, sadly they were all retired in the late 60s and cut up soon after, meaning none survived into preservation.

My search for information hasn't brought much up but fortunately I found an illustration of the layout of this loco and will, I hope serve to produce a fair representation.




This photo of a model once produced by Silver Fox was kindly taken by a fellow member of RMWeb. This is what, hopefully mine will resemble when finished.


The build


As you can see from the photos this loco has a 1-co-co-1 wheel configuration, that is two 6 wheel bogies with a set of pony wheels fore and aft of them. This configuration was later used on the class 40 and 45 loco's. The first task was to get hold of a cl 40/45 chassis, fortunately a Mainline model came my way cheaply, not the very best but good enough for my purposes.




This is the bare chassis with bogies and weights removed.On measuring it I found that approximately 20mm had to be removed from the center along with the battery boxes, so this was measured and marked out. I removed the battery box with a razor saw and then using an engineers square as a guide, removed the 20mm section, thus.




Here you can see the severed battery box which left a square hole in the base of the chassis that has almost disappeared now the excess length has been removed. I might use the 2 sections to reinforce the chassis where the cut is




A quick line up to make sure the bogies didn't clash and then glue together, but when I tried gluing the 2 halves together with plastic solvent it wasn't affected by the solvent so I had to use cyano-acrylate.

The chassis is now 234mm long in line with the scale length of the body. Now the chassis is modified it can be used to build up the body layers, which will be cut from card again with the Silhouette cutter.

As there is a complete absence of etched brass parts for this one, grilles roof fan etc, I will have to make them myself as I did the louvres for the class 50 or use parts from other classes,


More later,



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Hi Mark,

Thanks, just having a spot of bother gluing the two halves together at the moment. I think it's due to me not cleaning the plastic solvent off first and so the superglue stuck just the residues together and they've broken away from the bare plastic. At least that's what I hope it is. If this plastic won't stick it wil have to be a mechanical joint with a plate and screws, hope not.



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