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Boxfile Kyle - 37420...



Update - Only a little modelling undertaken this evening as after preparing the new rails for soldering the common crossing I found that my soldering iron has packed up...will check again tomorrow, but it's frustrating after waiting a week to get back to the turnout.


So, a little further work on 37420, being converted from a Bachfar 37/0. Thanks to Bernard of TPM for letting me test some new etches, I have filed smooth the grill adjacent to either opposing end and fitted the correct grills, however some minor filling will be necessary before attaching the other two grills. The new buffer beam has been temporarily picked out in a permanent black marker pen to highlight any initial problems. Once the remaining grills are fitted, it will receive full yellow ends, black windows and grey roof prior to decals etc.


Few pics attached...






Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Premium

Lovely Jubbly! Nice to see Bernard is developing some etches for the refurb grills too - opens up a lot more possibilities!laugh.gif

Out of interest, how have you attached the ploughs to the buffer beams, or are they bogie mounted, like was neccessary with Farish of old

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  • RMweb Gold

Jo - thanks - For this one, I have attached the ploughs [Dapol] to the bogies. I still need to attach a DG coupling but I haven't decided yet whether to superdetail the buffer beam on one end of the locos [and cheat by turning them 180?

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  • RMweb Premium

How do the Dapol ploughs compare to Bernard's etches? To be honest I'd never thought of using them, but may give it a try on a future model. I go with detailing one end fully, and as much as possible on the coupling end, as IMO it completes the aesthetics of the model, especially on things like 60s and 66s where there is detail below the bufferbeam pipes. The turning offscene priniciple is what I plan to do too, as to me, the benefit of a better looking model outweighs the additional shunting move.

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  • RMweb Gold

Jo - I guess I only used them as I had bought some of the Dapol spares and at the time of fitting, I had not got around to folding up Bernards etches. I think they look fine but I will remove them to spray them yellow and attach them a little higher next time as they look a tad low compared with the prototype.


I think I am inclined to agree that the 'super detailed one end + as much on the coupling end' approach is a good one. On both Coombe and Kyle I will need to lift and turn the locos offscene, so I guess it makes sense to go with this approach - agreed, that one end with all the trimmings does look better and begins to blur the 'which scale is it' first impressions...

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