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I started todays session by fitting the hand rails to the smokebox. After marking out and drilling new holes for the knobs. I filled the etched ones with brass wire soldered in and filed smooth.




The can floor was next. After trimming to fit the packers were soldered underneath, unfortunately the wheels rubbed on it, so after rereading the instructions to see what I had missed. They just say put the floor in out of level to miss them. Not liking this I cut a slot and added a step. I also fitted the base for the reverser. Does anyone know where the brake standard goes? There is nothing about detailing in the unstructions.





There was a half etch around them, but no frames in the kit or mention in the pages of wisdom. So I bend and soldered some 0.45mm wire to go around them.





Whistle and safety valve were straight forward.




Next I fitted the ejector and pipe work to the left hand side. Unfortunately I needed to remove the tank vent. It may need adjusting before it is refitted, but that is Monday now.






As BR used to say "we are getting there" I have sorted out the steam pipes. They needed a lot of work with low melt solder I will glue them on at the end of the soldering.

Edited by N15class
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  • RMweb Premium

Fit the brake stand just above where the brake rod would come up through the floor.

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Fit the brake stand just above where the brake rod would come up through the floor.



I cannot find out I have only an outline plan, I need a general arrangement drawing. The brake pulls etc on the kit are representations rather than prototypical so no info can be gleaned fron the brake gear.

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