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A slight distraction



Hello one and all


After a slight gap in progress in anything remotely modelling related, I've finally been getting on with something.

Next week, we at the Brighton MRC are holding a 'show and tell' evening. This will give our members a chance to show off their modelling skills and also hopefully provide an opportunity for some discussion and sharing of skills and techniques. My personal contribution to this is an example of handbuilt track in P4. It comprises of a small piece of straight track of about 20cm long. I will adding scenic detail to it (ballast and some grass etc). The purpose is to show that it's worth building one's own track and also to give myself something to practise my own skills on.

It is built using Ply sleepers from the Scalefour society, chairs from C&L and code 75 bullhead rail also from the Scalefour society. It isn't perfect but as I said, this is essentially practise for the future as I am currently planning a layout to follow on from my Irish detour. I'll discuss the future project some other time but as a quick prelude, I will say that its firmly back in my comfort zone of Southern light railway steam.


Attached are a couple of photos of the track.



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