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Building Number Two



Its been something of a fraught week in the household as, after a rough weekend, our eldest broke out in the very visible symptoms of chickenpox on Monday.


In between applying calamine lotion and trying to prevent the inevitable scratching, I have been working on a few bits and have now started on the second building. Again referring to the Cuckoo Line book for inspiration, and with the knowledge that there was one in Litlington in the early part of the last century, I have decided to add a blacksmiths to the layout.


Full of ambition, I printed out the relevant plans of the blacksmiths shop built by the LBSC at Groombridge for use by the PW department, scaled it up -and then found it was far too big for the intended location, so what follows is another 'based on' rather than a brick for brick scale model.


The shell went together reasonably quickly from the usual Wills sheets (English Bond brick, doors and windows from the spares box and Roof Tiles, with an offcut of 60thou plasticard to replace the hidden rear wall as I ran out of brick sheeting). In keeping with my usual methods, I've built and painted this first before applying the detail - bargeboards, glazing, gutters & downpipes, door frame etc so the picture is a little 'rough and ready' but will hopefully be improved with those additions. I should also add the chimney stack is not yet painted and is just balanced in its position at the end of the building at present.




The arched windows, also refugees from the Ratio Goods Shed mentioned previously, may seem a little high, but they are positioned as per the plan of the blacksmiths from Groombridge. The door on the front elevation is the entrance from the street and will have a sign above it, whilst the door on the side will open into a cobbled yard, bounded by a flint wall (again, I'm a glutton for punishment considering I may still rework the first one I've built!) with some of the lovely etched gates from the Scalelink range at the front opening onto the road. The yard will have plenty of junk etc and maybe, if I can fit one in, either a cart shed (would a blacksmith have had/needed one?) or a stable (same question applies!) in the far corner of the yard.


Alternative options could be a builders yard, small engineering works or a wheelwrights perhaps? - I'm quite sold on the yard with its flint wall and gates though!

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Don't know about the likelyhood of a cart shed or stable, but an outside Privy would be essential ( ! ) either as a lean-to extension or free standing at the yard perimeter. 

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Thanks Don, that would have been ideal - however I've now started to mock up the lane crossing the tracks, and have found that there really isn't the space for anything other than a small section of the wall (not the space for the gates either which is a shame.


The planned Railway Cottages opposite the station though should have the space for a privy each!

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