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And now for something completely different...

Barry Ten


I was tempted to call this a Class 47 in O gauge, after all it is a C-47 and at 1/48th it's not a million miles off 7mm, is it?


I started this over the holidays as a break and a change of pace, and to make inroads into the mounting of model aircraft kits I've acquired over the years ... this was a nice, inexpensive Revell kit which I picked up for under 20 Euros during a trip to Holland a few years ago. It's based on the old Monogram kit from the 70s, which proved to be a real blast from the past for me, as I built the huge Monogram Flying Fortress during my early teens, and there's a very similar feel to the mouldings, including some airmen which are all but identical those in the other kit. I bought the Dakota kit because they're one of my favorite aircraft, with a timeless style about them - a true design classic.


The Monogram kit isn't complicated, and despite having some internal detail (which is all but invisible once assembled), it doesn't take long to get the basic body and wings together. In common with many older kits, it has raised rather then recessed panel times but I've yet to tackle the process of re-engraving lines on a kit, and to be honest that would get away from the fun aspect of building a model in a relatively short time frame. The only dodgy moment - actually a dodgy fortnight - was when I mysteriously misplaced the cockpit glazing moulding. I even emptied the vacuum cleaner bag incase it had got sucked up when cleaning. I was all set to attempt to scratchbuild a replacement, when I vacuumed the hallway and while putting the vacuum cleaner away, something dropped onto the floor. It was the glazing, but where had it been? Stuck inside the vacuum cleaner, or somehow hanging off part of it on the outside? We'll never know, but there was much jubilation and the scratchbuilding tools were thankfully set aside.


I've yet to add fine details but the main body colour is on, and now I have to choose between two of the livery variants offered by the kit.






Back to normal service next, but I'll post progress on the Dakota as it nears completion. Cheers and thanks for reading.

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  • RMweb Gold

I bought this kit from the only model shop in Leiden, Job - I don't know if you know it? I think it's called Sjaak's or something similar. Nice little shop, relatively small selection of trains, but good for model kits and wood, paint, glue and so on, always very friendly whenever I've been in there. Must go back!

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Not really to do with modelling, but I had a funny experience in one of these during my N.S. days. While awaiting take-off, I was sitting alone in the back beside one of the port side windows and when looking out it was obvious that the plane was tilted and the ground was level. However, when looking across to the other side, the impression was quite different, i.e. the plane seemed to be level and the ground tilted. It made me a bit airsick for a few seconds, something that has never happened to me when the plane is in the air.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ooh, it's a very long time since I had a trip in one of them (actually the BEA passenger version thereof) and I spent most of the time being sick (sorry) but it does capture the old lady rather well and I still get to see the BoB Flight one not infrequently passing our way.  Interesting change from - dare i say it - proper modelling, I look forward to the full liveried appearance.

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  • RMweb Gold

Now that has a high "cool" factor, I think. I bet your teenage attempts didn't look quite so clean after glueing  :-)


I know what you mean about rejoicing after finding a missing part. Sometimes it doesn't take a lot to make us humans happy :-)

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  • RMweb Gold

I think my wife was a little underwhelmed when I ran downstairs telling here there'd been a miracle in the house!

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  • RMweb Gold

Ha! But surely when you showed her that lovely piece of plastic she could see your point :-)

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