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London Bridge Station visit



I visited London Bridge Station today to collect some more pictures of areas and buildings that I have few details of. Things are changing rapidly - there's a big hole in the ground and some of the steel structual skeleton of the Shard has already appeared. The concourse roof has been cut back significantly and Thomas street is closed to traffic along the building site boundary.


One of my intended targets was the small box at the West end of the through platforms and some of the buildings behind the station.






However I was approached by a jobsworth on one platform and told that I wasn't allowed to take photos. When I countered that I was allowed he changed tack and said that I needed an identity card from Network Rail. I said I'm not a commercial photographer so it wasn't necessary and showed him a print-out of the Transport Police's website with the details. He didn't seem very convinced but wandered off rather confused before I could explain that the same information was available on Network Rail's website.




Fortunately I wasn't further harrassed despite a very large police presence at the station and managed to get all the photographs I wanted. Hopefully they will help me out when I start on building some more of the structures for the project.




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