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Hello everyone!


So, I've decided to start a blog.

But why? I hear you scream with anticipation. Well I've realised there's a fair amount of modelling and railway related stuff that goes through my head and workbench that doesn't fit onto my Sandhurst thread. I figured that rather starting another thread for each of these, it would be better to consolidate every thing into one useful, easy to find, rambling blog. Sandhurst will continue to be updated but with purely stuff related to that layout.

There are several things that will hopefully keep this blog flowing but the main one will be the beginnings (and eventual building hopefully) of a new layout idea that will take a considerable amount of time to get anywhere. This will be based on an imagined Irish prototype set in County Mayo on the west coast. Inspired by many holidays to the Louisburgh area over the last 20 years (the whole of my life), I thought it was actually time to consolidate all those ideas into a layout. The thing will begin with an entry into the Model Railway Club's layout challenge. The plan is to then extend this onwards and onwards...

As this is all quite a major project that I have put far too much thought into, I will post a proper explanation of the idea in a future posting.

The blog will cover other things as well, such as my track building attempts, (very) occasional updates and comments on the layouts I'm involved in at the Brighton Model Railway Club and one or two other things.


So here it begins...



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