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I am currently very unpopular with my sister! I was doing some modelling at her house recently. I was painting a culvert which I constructed from a Peco Bridge kit. I was using model paints and therefore needed to use a brush cleaner.




I was working at a table, with a plastic table cloth, and then I spilt the brush cleaner. When I went to wipe it, I found that the pattern also wiped off. Oops! The bottle was not designed for pouring and the cleaner had run down the front and onto the bottom and had splashed onto the table cloth too.


I though that I was going to be eaten alive, for my mistake, but luckely not.


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Glad to know you survived!  When I'm using bottles of stuff I don't want to spill, I try to remember to stand them in a small ramekin dish.  I learned this lesson after my small son spilt a tinlet of Humbrol malachite green over a new book that I'd just bought - he remembers it too - 30 years later :)

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mmmmmmm trebor  has an idea there  get  a cloth and do the whole table in a random adstract pattern

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