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Job's Modelling


This little diorama deserves a proper presentation.


Just as for my previous diorama I used an APA-box. In an APA-box I can display two A4 diorama’s.


My main concern was the lighting. I followed in this case in main lines the way a shadow box is lightened.


I started with the front of the APA-box. I cut a piece of black demenstration board to size.

Then I bought two black photo frames, with a opening of 14 x 10 cm. I had to make sure that the edges on the inside were black.




Next step was to make some side brackets alongside the window frames at the inside of the APA-box. I made them from frames used to make a painting frame. Made them fitting in the box and I glued black board along it on the side of the window. The angle at the top is 45 degrees.




Then I made a black bottom bracket between the two side brackets. The underside of this bracket has the same height as the street level of the diorama.




After that I made an overal bracket for the lightning. This is glued above the side brackets, along the whole inside of the APA box. On this bracket the led light is glued. I used the same ledstrip as on Northall Dock.




Then the diorama was placed in side and I could test out the light. Because this diorama has blue colours I was limited in the choice of the colour.




And to finish Station Road – Shops under Arches a final picture through the glass. I know that isn’t the best for to present it here, but it gives you an idea how it looks like. My wife loves this little diorama in a box.




And to make pictures I can take it out of the box.

Now I can start with my next diorama. This will be called Caroline Street.




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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

Very useful description, Job, thanks. It's a pity that the APA box has gone out of production, but I hope a new type will be along at some stage.


Caroline Street, sounds good!

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Very useful description, Job, thanks. It's a pity that the APA box has gone out of production, but I hope a new type will be along at some stage.


Caroline Street, sounds good!


I'm glad I have another one I can use in the future. It's a pity it's out of production.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ah yes, hadn't seen that one. Quite interesting actually. Very "Scandinavian design".

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