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Going Underground



blog-0890091001413492875.jpgLittle Iz swears it was her idea - personally I am not quite so sure (she would probably have preferred Wombles living under there anyway!), but here we are with a little underground distraction.


Firstly a foamboard box split into three compartments




Then some paneling. Note that I quickly grew board of gluing each one so applied some double sided tape to the walls and stuck the coffee stirrer planks to that.




Then a bit of wood stain.




And some furniture from scraps of balsa;




Then it was off to The Range for some battery powered Christmas LED lights. Now I know the sort of down lighting that has resulted is not really correct but I did build a hurricane lamp around an LED but it was just too bright. I then made some candles from fiber optic but, although cool weren't bright enough. I may try these again later but Christmas lights will do for now.




And now all detailed with lots of stuff you can't really see;




And here it is all in place under the layout;




I really enjoyed this little project - a bit slap dash with no real plan but has turned out rather well in the end and should be a bit of a talking point at exhibitions (of which I have several more lined up for next year now), even if it is almost impossible to photograph properly!

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for all the comments and likes - think that might be a record! I just knocked it up over a couple of days! OK, maybe not entirely true as I had been thinking about it for a while but the actual construction was very rapid indeed. The thing that made it really easy though was the omnipresent Google, a quick search on WW1 dugouts brings up loads of pictures and I just took the bits I liked from them and recreated them from odds and ends in true Blue Peter fashion.

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