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The story begins

Ken Anderson


The story begins some 25 years ago (55 years if my schoolboy Hornby Dublo counts) when I was seriously interested creating an EM gauge layout modelling Barnstaple Junction using C&L points. What particularly interested me was the point work at the northern end of the station ( http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barnstaple_railway_station#/image/File:Barnstaple_Junction_railway_station_1972067_31fed26e.jpg). Despite many hours, weeks and months of research the project never came to fruition because of a number of job changes and house moves.

Move forward to 10 years ago and having paid off our mortgage my wife and I retired and emigrated to the Orange Blossom Coast in Spain where we happily live a quiet life.

My main occupation(hobby) since emigrating has been writing a number of technical books and also publishing books for people around the world (the joy of the Internet). Unfortunately at the beginning of this year I became quite poorly with a kidney problem and have spent much of the year in and out of hospital. I am now getting better and feeling the need to get involved with a new hobby but getting away from endless hours bashing away at a computer keyboard.

My thoughts turned to constructing a C&L turnout but as my eyesight is nothing like it was 25 years ago I thought about building it in O gauge which is of course somewhat bigger than OO/EM gauge. After a little thought I decided to make a layout with a single through track, a turnout and a siding. The constraint is the building area which is a 5ft workbench. As the project is really about construction this isn't too bad as the layout will be static with no movement of locos or rolling stock (apart from the finger in the air). Each end of the workbench butts up against a wall so I have decided to have a tunnel entrance at one end, the other end is as yet undecided.

The original plan was to first construct an A4 turnout and the track. However perhaps somewhat cack-handedly I have decided to model the tunnel entrance and surrounding landscape first. Sketches have been made and the baseboard of the workbench made ready.

.............to be continued.

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