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Signals and platforms



There's been a few things happening of late.


I started off by correcting the end of street scene from last entry.


I used one the vertical Bavarian banners to conceal the top join.


It now blends in better than it did.


The join being far better than before.


Not sure how I'm going to do the other side of the building to the right though. Still thinking about that.





I started installing the Veissmann signals I had bought previously to see how they went with digital control. I had a few problems initially. I had bought a Veissmann decoder as I thought it might work better being the same brand as the signals. How wrong I was. I had no joy at all with the Veissmann decoder. I tried all sorts of settings but the best I could get was to get it to work once on the wrong setting. To get it to work again I had to re-program it. Not ideal really. While doing a trawl of the internet I found a wiring diagram for using an LDT solenoid item decoder so tried that. Again no joy. Eventually I came across a thread on one of the forums which said that it would work with the Lenz LS150 which is what I use for my point motors. I tried this and it worked fine. Other than the Veissmann signals, I haven't had much success with their product; their S-88s had issues too. So now I've tried these out it'll be Lenz LS150's all the way. The signals are pretty good and well detailed. I'm quite pleased with them but they are costly and I'll need a few of them. Might have to spread the costs out over time.







The other thing I've been doing is starting to make my platforms. I've been using off cuts from walls and 1mm ply with plaster coating. I've found period canopies but I'll need a few and cost will mount up so may shop around a bit for these. A few of these things will have to wait till I get back from the UK in November as I'll need to save for my trip home. So here's how they've been going.


























I noticed while photographing these last ones that one of the LED's in the signal has gone already. I checked the wiring and there was loose wire.


The next step is finish off all these platforms and then start ballasting round them.



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