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Halton narrow gauge

Halton Boy


Hi everyone

Halton camp had a narrow gauge railway that was used to move timber to be sent to France in WW1. I am building the Halton light railway as 7mm standard gauge. Can I build the light railway part in 7mm 0-16.5 gauge. Will the two look alright running next to each other? Do Ixon produce 0-16.5 gauge engines? or should I use a Peco engine with a branchlines chassis. The narrow gauge will only be a small part of the model railway with one engine and some log trucks.

I have tried to log on to a narrow gauge web site called Narrow Gauge Railway Modelling on line, but it asks a question which I can not answer, What Welsh railway uses the initials W.H.R. I typed in Welsh Highland Railway, but it says this is wrong. Please does anyone know the answer?

Thank you for your help

Railways keep getting harder!


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You mentioned in a previous post that you are still getting the hang of this site - it's not easy but 'blogs' are not really the place to ask questions like this. 


If you look in the Forums instead, there is a Narrow Gauge area at  http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/forum/185-narrow-gauge-modelling-prototype/


Look through the posts there and try using the ';search' facility.  If you don't find anything relevant, then that's the best place to post your question.


I am surprised that the Narrow Gauge Forum you mentioned wants loads of information from you, before they reveal who they are!  In these suspicious days,  I avoid websites like that.  They should give you information about themselves, up-front.


There's a good blog about building a WW1 military 0-16.5 narrow-gauge railway at http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1344-up-the-line-1918/


Hope this helps :)

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  • RMweb Gold

A number of NGRM members are also members of RMweb - I suspect this might even include some people involved with running NGRM.


As far as I'm aware, there's actually nothing scary behind their "join up question".


In recent years, a number of forum sites have fallen prey to spammers and the like - so a number of sites have started asking questions like this (which real people, genuinely interested in the subject, are likely to be able to answer - or at least make a reasonable guess).


Over time, some sites have also been known to change their questions - sometimes because the wrong people are getting in or getting blocked - sometimes because some questions might have more than one correct answer (or alternative spellings - eg English and Welsh versions of place names).



I can't comment about the specific question any site might be using at a given time - but one thought might be to try using all upper case, all lower case, or something like that.


However, I'd agree that a blog might not be the best place to ask questions about other sites - if nothing else, there's the fact that a lot of blogs don't always get seen by many people.


My thoughts would also involve the "Special Interests - Narrow Gauge" - or "Media - Websites" areas of this site.




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As a moderator of NGRM I can confirm the question was put in place to avoid excess spam attacks, there's nothing sinister behind it. Far from it, it's trying to retain a friendly, lively forum dedicated to narrow gauge modellers. I've asked Matt who runs the techy side of things to look into it.


Halton Boy - is that the username you registered with on NGRM? Just in case that helps us narrow down the problem.




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Hi Tom

Yes I tried to sign up with username Halton Boy but with a different pass word than used on this site.

Thank you all for your help.

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As a moderator of NGRM I can confirm the question was put in place to avoid excess spam attacks, there's nothing sinister behind it.

I'm pleased to read that.  It would be good if you could provide a bit more information about yourselves on the home page, so that viewers know what they are signing into.  I could well be interested, as I do some 009 NG modelling.





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Noted, Mike. There used to be a 'splash' page to do just that on a previous incarnation of the forum, but it must have disappeared when it was upgraded.


I'll suggest it gets reinstated to the owners :)


Halton Boy, I'll pass that on and see what we can do. PM me in a few days if you've not heard anything.

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