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It's a wrap



Time for a bit of an update on what's been happening on the layout.


First up I had to extend the backdrop as it petered out in the middle of a street. The only option was the same backdrop I used before but I joined it up on the second sheet as the colour on the first was too light and there was a very obvious join. This doesn't look too bad. Merges fairly well. This concludes the backdrops for the Bavarian layout as it is now wrapped all around.


Track laying was concluded a couple of entries ago so now getting to work on the station area.




This picture taken from the net continues the street fairly well but the top of a couple of buildings has been lopped off in the picture. Bit if a shame as it would good otherwise. Trying to think of a way of hiding this. Probably a big tree would be best. I'll use this brick coloured wall to separate the tracks from the street but will have to decide what I'm doing first before cutting to size.




Because I had set the previous backdrops at 10cm height I was committed to doing this with the rest. I've been able to hide this behind buildings and raised railway lines elsewhere but the lack of space between the railway line and the wall prevents me using anything three dimensional here. I'm thinking brickwork or foliage as the best way of hiding it. I added a new building here too. I'll probably add another street of four storey buildings to add a bit more depth.




Being carrying on with painting my Preiser figures. Still have a lot more to go though. Added a couple to one of the flak wagens. I'll get more of these as it finishes it quite well.




I started adding grass around the edges of the station and a wall. This continues all the way round. I used the Noch grassmaster as it gives best results for a large area. I also finished track laying with the service yards now being complete. I can start fixing in the buildings here too. I can probably start ballasting soon as it all seems to operate well. I just have to get positions for the signals and platform installed.






I bought some Faller platform to see how easy it would be to make replicas of. I'll investigate options at the hardware store to see what I can come up with as it will be cheaper and probably more realistic to make my self rather than having to fiddle with kit platform.


I painted the fountain as well. I saw the one in Nuremberg was painted so thought I'd copy that. I also put a fence round it too. I was going to add some epoxy water but now that I need it I can't find it. I'm sure I saw it in a box I was rummaging through the other week but nowhere to be seen now.





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  • RMweb Gold

That overall backscene really works well, and the wall between tracks and houses is very effective.


I see what you mean about the side street backscene and the tops of the houses, though. The big tree idea can hopefully fix that, and also help blend the buildings and the forest behind it visually. Thanks for sharing these experiences with photo backscenes, at some point I'd like to use some myself so it's very helpful to see what others are doing.

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Thanks Mikkel,  I've since gone back and changed the side street scene with a smaller sized one. I'll show that in my next blog entry. I used a Bavarian banner to hide the top and a tree on the opposite side of the street.  No problems, I've made a lot of mistakes on the way with this and other layouts and it's worth sharing so other people don't make the same ones.

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