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In bloom



I have been doing things but they're probably not all that noticeable. I had new lights installed in the roof which has really brightened the room up no end. The old lights were those single bulb enegry saver ones which didn't produce much light. I've now added a couple of strip lights which I salvaged from the old garage.


Makes things a lot better to see and photograph although I'm starting to notice some pictures are washed out if I photograph too close to the light.


I tend to have the blinds down all the time here as the railway room is north facing and the sun is very strong here. It could easily melt my stock that's stored below in boxes. I'm a bit forgetful at times so would inevitably forget about it if I raised the blinds. So, all things considered, best to leave them down by default.




Also finished my shuttle lines and they're fully operational now. Still cleaning them up a bit as they got a bit messy in some parts due to painting and plastering behind.




I had made a start on the wooded corner section but seasonal change has had an impact on this. I have done the plastering and a rough coat of paint to seal it but the weather then got quite cold so it won't dry quite as quickly, or worst case scenario; not at all, when I grassmaster it. I'll probably just jack up the heating for a bit to sort that out.




While I'm down this end of the layout here's a couple of pictures of how things look from down here at the moment. Once the corner is forested I can get to work on this part. The stone wall will continue round and merge into tunnels.








The most visible part is adding lots of window boxes with flowers to brighten the place up a bit. MiniNature do a great line in the flowers so a few different colours and a chopped up piece of walnut strip for the boxes and off we go. Did some touch ups of older buildings, repainted them and weathered them.




I made the maypole that was mentioned previously. I used the Trix one along with parts from a Noch one to make the one shown.




I planted the Bavarian flag banners too. I'll need to make more of these.






Added a few more buildings too. Fountain and a public WC.








I'm painting some Prieser people for inside coaches as well. Bit cheaper than the ready painted ones.




Thinking to the future now I may add more building to this section at the front so that I have the trains travelling through city effect. I'll need another city back drop so that will be the third of the same backdrop I will use but I don't see any better alternatives. Here's some shots to finish with.













A couple of cameos to conclude with.






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