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From the furthest corners



About the time of my last entry I got a whole load of kits to build to build up my town scene which will occupy the north east corner of the layout. I got a few other items too so this entry should hopefully be more visually stimulating than the last entry's track fest. The plan is to have several layers of buildings to this to give the impression of a big city's old quarter. This will be bound by two main roads which will merge round about where the station starts and run along behind the station with the main road eventually disappearing under the tunnel at the west end.


Before I got started on the building area the key thing was to start at the back and work forward. There was a problem with the backdrop due to the way I had fixed the panels together. I had used screws to fix the sheets of hardboard. I later found out that pva would be sufficient to hold them and now can do a seamless join. However, this was my first attempt and the backdrops were already in place therefore I needed something to obscure the screws sticking through the backdrop picture.

Previously I had used trees to hide errors so I decided to do the same here. I just needed a bigger tree. So here it is; twig from the backyard with sea moss branches.




The next step was to establish where the buildings would go. I have been shuffling these around for months but having now completed the new kits have come up with a configuration that I'm fairly happy with.






I still have some thinking about what to do with the town wall but other than that this should be fine. I've ordered a few more kits of half timbered buildings to add in round the main square. I'll use the church and Rathaus as centrepiece buildings.




I finished painting and weathering the Wienert buffers so they are all ready to go in. Will weather these a bit further when they are in place.






I also got some brick work to use as walls for the sides of the raised shuttle lines. These are off the shelf and ready to plonk but with a bit of weathering look the part.




I have moved the station to this side of the tracks as there just isn't room on the other side and it looks wrong.




This is a view of the first layer of buildings. You can see the tree I made earlier at the back.






This has been a bit experimental in that I am using polyfilla for the roads and thought I'd use this area as a test to see if it worked ok. The other thing is that access is a bit limited here so I am putting the buildings onto thin MDF sheets so I can remove entire blocks for maintenance or modification if need be.




I have elected to use Bavarian flags rather than nazi flags. It will primarily be epoch 2 but will also be epoch 1 a lot of the time too. And, put simply, there's no way I'm having lots of nazi flags round my layout so Bavaria it is.

I still need to source appropriate street lighting etc but will add these items as funds become available.






I'm trying to source more 1930's posters and shop front signs to change over the ones that came in some of the kits. I'm having to modify some of the older kits that I have as, when I built them, my attention to detail wasn't the same as now. Also having got glasses last year I can now focus on detail again. Most of what's seen in these pictures will be hidden behind the town walls and rarely seen but I still think it's important that it looks ok for those rare occasions when it is seen. So from here I can complete the city square and roads and tie up this end of the layout. The next bit will be the service yards at the other end. So there's a plan. Hopefully it will all work as intended.





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