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Hello and welcome along





Well as some of you may know, those that have read my posting on my personal blog, I have started this one to show what i am working on for customers.

Now why a blog i hear you ask, as i do anything and everything from DCC work to complete layouts and everything in between i thought it was best to keep everything in one place rather than have serveral small threads going in diffrent parts of the forum. Also it makes it easier for me to keep track of what i have posted :yes:


So up first is a O1 tyne dock converstion that I have done.

Here she is after a coat of primer on the added extras


And finished



Also through the workshop has been this 08 which came in for weathering and sound fitting






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I am doing a Tyne Dock O1 for South Pelaw in EM, whose air pumps have you used on your conversion, these look just right, I have a set of Dave Alexanders but they look too tall?






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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Richard,

Many thanks for your question, is it the South Pelaw layout that has the blog?


The pumps are the Dave Alexander ones, the only thing I have done is filed the bottom so that they are virtually flat and also the handrail section were they are located has been moved up, as per reference photos.


Hope this helps?



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Hi Simon- Yes thats correct its for South Pelaw (EM). Thanks for the tip on the pumps, I may also make new brackets out of brass- the cast whitemetal ones are too thick and consequently the pumps protude beyond the cab sides. It means going backwards a few steps but the end result shoul be better.


The blog is getting really out of date, we had the full layout erected at the end of September and took a load of photographs, trouble is we are all too busy building it to write blog updates, articles etc.


Thanks for your help



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Richard,


I've been following the blog for ages and i am looking forward to seeing the layout out at shows.


The main problem with the pumps brackets is that they don't follow the shape of the bolier, form looking at photos they seam to follow the curve more and thus sit further back in line with the cabs.


I will be interested to see the results of your brass ones when you make them, as i have made some replacement ones out of plasticard as the set i had was missing them on another model which was a pain.



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Hi Simon


The South Pelaw blog finally got updated yesterday- hope you like the new pictures.


In the end I filed down the O1 cast brackets to wafer this, reduced the height by about 3mm so the top edge fits just below the boiler centreline, its not looking too bad. I agonised and changed my mind several times over the pump centres though. I will post some photos when I have got it done. Still not happy with the great big lump of plastic called a pony truck.





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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Richard,


had a quick look at the blog. Some cracking pictures and having been past the site numerous times the layout is spot on. Can't wait to see it fully finished.


Look forward to seeing your photos, ive got another couple to do fo customers and then i can finally get round to doing mine along with a couple (rakes worth) of the hoppers.




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