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Foster Street (Let There Be Light)



Well the good news is this will be a very short update, in fact it will probably take me longer to type this than I have actually spent modelling (I can use multiple fingers - the problem is it multiplies the mistakes :))


Anyway I have made a little progress on the streets around Foster Street and as you can see the Street lights are starting to go up, even though with the advantage of the camera (pesky thing) some of them appear not to be totally vertical :(.


I have even started to add a little more interest to the area that climbs up over the tracks to the left of board 1, by modelling a scene of the railing being removed from the front of the stepped terraces. There is a war on you know and metal is metal (I got bored of cutting strips of plastic to made the railings) all I need is so obtain a suitable lorry, so more on this may appear in a future entry.


I really need to improve some of the backscene too, another thing to add to the list


I suppose the time is approaching, when the population of Foster Street start making appearances around the layout, so this will be one of the next tasks to be completed (started at least), speaking of the locals I have not seen that scamp Billy Grimes........I wonder what mischief he has been up to??


Until the next time Happy Modelling :)

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Billy will enjoy running down the street kicking the lamp posts at dusk, to make them come on!


For those unfamiliar with such pleasures, I can remember that, if you timed it right, a kick would jog the time switch (clockwork) enough to open the gas valve.


Your street seems very well lit - I'm sure it was a longer run between the lamp posts, to get there before the next one came on anyway :)



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Billy will enjoy running down the street kicking the lamp posts at dusk, to make them come on!


For those unfamiliar with such pleasures, I can remember that, if you timed it right, a kick would jog the time switch (clockwork) enough to open the gas valve.


Your street seems very well lit - I'm sure it was a longer run between the lamp posts, to get there before the next one came on anyway :)



Mike thanks for the interesting comment, I just hope Billy does not read this and picks up another bad habbit. Do you think I should increase the distance between lamp posts? Im not sure about a realistic distance between them so I would appreciate the advise.



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I feel that the gaslamps were about 100 feet apart along the pavement on my childhood (Northern) street - so about 20cm, in 2mm scale.  They often alternated on opposite sides of the road.



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Thanks for the information, when I get chance to do a little more modelling I will complete a little civil engineering and get them moved to a more realistic distance.


Plus it may save me from having to make more of the things (well I say making, I really mean gluing to my fingers :))

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  • RMweb Gold

I do like the look of that street. Maybe the ample lighting is a ploy by the Mayor to get more votes? Is that him in the ghostly white vehicle in the foreground?


As for kicking lamp posts - we used to do that but with the opposite intention, to make the electric bulbs fail and the lamp go out! Utter waste of tax payers money, whatever were we thinking (we weren't!).

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Thanks for your comments about the street, I think it will start to look a little better when a few of the "locals" are added. I keep meaning to get the model filler out so I can sculpt (hack is a better terms) a few of them worst for wear as they leave the pub.


I think you may be right about the local Mayor, from the stories I have heard he is a bit of a card, I'm not sure about the spacing of the lamps, so I many leave it a few days before looking at re-spacing them?


As for you kicking the lamp post's your nearly as bad as that "Billy Grimes", we really need to keep you two apart.



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  • RMweb Gold

I look forward to seeing those locals, they must be seriously drunk if you need model filler to replicate it! :-)

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