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Metropolitan 'E' class (III)

James Harrison


The next thing to do was to reprofile the cab roof. This was done using a dremel at a low speed; once finished lengths of plastic rod were glued to the cab sides and then a sheet of paper laminated over the top to give a smooth finish.


Work then moved to the smokebox. I needed to build up a new smokebox wrapper, and after efforts to use plastic sheet proved futile I took a length of 0.5mm by 1mm plastic rod, cut it into many 13mm lengths and then glued these around the smokebox (rather akin to how curves are formed on matchstick models). Once they had set they were gently rubbed down and filled.


The interior of the smokebox was removed. The donor model being a 1970s Triang model one of it's features was an opening smokebox door, something I would have liked to have retained but unfortunately it fouled the running plate and splashers after the boiler had been lowered. So it was instead extracted and the smokebox door cut off of it. A piece of plastic sheet was then used to form a new smokebox front and the door grafted onto it.


There are two major areas still to deal with- one is the splasher tops and the other the top and rear of the coal bunker. Once these have been dealt with the model can be primed, smoothed down and filled. Then I can start to look at painting it before adding more fine detail.







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