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Stanier 8F - Hornby style!

Barry O


I bought a second hand Hornby 8f quite a while ago. Before I went on my holidays I had repainted the can sides and renumbered it as a BR engine. I have started to weather it so..




and a bit of a close up




Big problem is that there is oil leaching through the various "holes" in the bodywork... so more weathering will be taking place...


Hope you like this..

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Actually I think the effect of the oil leaking through adds to the realism of the engine, always one of my favourites

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  • RMweb Premium

To a point yes but it spreads everywhere despite me cleaning the loco inside and out before I started weathering it.

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Guest 2750


Hi Barry

After much experience with his leaking issue, the best thing is to leave it as it eventually disappears. The same thing happened with LNER4479's O4 and ones of my own. Give it a few months and you wont see it. :)



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi tom,

As you had mentioned this before I cleaned it before weathering it...but its so deeply infused into the plastic I will wait for a while then reweather where I need to.


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Hi Barry,


I have had the same problem on one of my Halls - I wonder about the wipe down with an oily rag approach - at least it will be uniform and if any more gets out it just won't matter! it's been like it for months so no hope of it disappearing I think and I sealed the thing with varnish prior to and after. Looks far worse on BR green...


I will keep monitoring here but I am close to using the oil on a kill or cure basis. It might look like a worked yet cared for engine - the bits done do, it's just that it's in funny patches!


It's either that or it's a shed scene with a team of cleaners...


All the best,



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  • RMweb Premium


This is the only one I have had any trouble with. It is second hand and has seen a lot of work.


Be careful with oil/wd40 etc as it attracts dust.




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  • RMweb Premium

After leaving it  for a month it has virtually gone... and I kept it out of the dust so it didn't grab any passing dust. Will try and rephotograph it again...

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