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The D9, Part 4

James Harrison


With work almost finished on the locomotive, attention turns to the tender.


I decided to make use of the Fowler tender and see what I could about making it GCR-esque. There are a couple of fairly big differences in the 2 designs that make a completely accurate conversion difficult, if not impossible. The bigest of these is that the frames of the LMS tender are about 3mm taller than those of the GCR type.


Wishing to keep the conversion as simple and easy as possible I decided there would be little I could do about this, so I concentrated above the running plate.


I began by cutting away the body above coal rail level and filing and sanding down until the tender body was 15mm high all round. I then cut out some new tender sides from 0.5mm plastic sheet, 20mm in height. These were glued to the existing tender body. Then some 0.5 x 1mm plastic strip was glued edge-on along the tops of these new sides and the gap below filled with model filler. A circular file was drawn along the sides to create the flare. Then new bulkheads were measured up and cut out- the one in the front given an arc to the top. Finally new coal rails were cut (5mm in height) to complete the impression.






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