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The Neverwazza

James Harrison


Whilst I look for "City of Lincoln" name and numberplates (I've found the nameplates at Kings Cross Plates but can't find the numberplate at present), I've started on the Gorton mogul.


The first thing I had to do was cut 7mm off the firebox of the D11 boiler to get it to fit the 43xx frames.


I was then able to remove more metal (from the firebox top and the front end of the boiler, and the underside of the smokebox) to get it to fit over the motor in the 43xx (a massive metal lump...) By cutting away most of the firebox top I could seat the boiler almost 1mm lower- now it'll be case of fitting a piece of plastic sheet over the hole!


So, in any case this is what I have at present (just loosely fitted together)...




I have decided to retain the 43xx running frames as I feel it unlikely that given the aesthetic treatment Robinson gave his designs c.1910-1921 that the loco had it been built would have seen the light of day with a flat running plate and individual splashers, perhaps more likely it would have had a family resemblance to the D10s, D11s and B2s. Hence my finished model will ultimately have a raised running plate over the drivers and a continuous low splasher (this last much akin to the B7s).

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