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Kyle 2014...new year - old layout - new enthusiasm...



Good evening


First blog entry since we relocated back to UK and the period of re adjusting continues, particularly as we have downsized and have had to shift 99% of my railway stuff from our apartment to a storage garage a brisk walk away. No longer can I meddle and tinker with something located in a spare room...as there is no spare room :)


Have only managed one evenings modelling since July 2013 which was a crack at a 7mm C+L turnout kit, which is 75% complete...and as I thought this weekend that seems to sum up my modelling really...75% complete...nothing ever seems to get finished.


Following a trip to the excellent Southampton show on Saturday, I knew that finally seeing Gary's excellent Glenuig layout would stir up the BR blue juices :D...particularly as this was one of the inspirations for Kyle. A manageable sized layout will a small selection of nicely detailed rolling stock - in fact Gary was running Glenuig with just 3 trains :O


My last entry on Kyle http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/944/entry-11780-a-stay-of-execution hinted that it was salvaged to be used as a photo plank but when I did the original make-over of it, for some reason I never included lighting.


One thing I was pleased about the Paddock Wood layout was the lighting and framed letterbox view so it got me thinking that instead of starting another project which will probably only get to 75%...that perhaps I should revisit Kyle for the remaining 25%. Which includes a selection of Stephen Harris kits residing in the gloat box.


Here's how the layout currently is after cutting back and being bubbled wrapped for the UK bound return move. As can be seen the backscene needs to be redone to lose the bubbles:




I was thinking of two phases of work. Phase One being the construction of a new fascia panel which would frame and contain the layout as well as conceal the lighting (My preferred Ikea ones of course!) Here is a quick sketch of how this might be:




Phase Two would then be to work on the rolling stock and perhaps try and get it running again. Possibly a brand new detachable fiddleyard to replace the cassettes (I have always wanted to build a fiddleyard using those mini draw runners) although I will have to test run the layout first to see if it is worth it as the original foam board base construction twisted in the middle which may be un recoverable.


Here's a quick photoshop showing how the new fascia would frame the view...the end will be left open to avoid the 90 degree corner and give another camera angle:




It will be a whole new method of working as coupled with my new project at work I will have less time and I will also have to try and construct a small modelling work top tray for evening dabbling rather than walk to the garage every time I need a pair of pliers etc. (Jerry has an excellent mini workbench type set up for this)


But...the enthusiasm is back...and I think this could be the ideal way to build upon it...


Hope to get cracking on the carcass for the fascia soon - Toodle pip ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

Good to see that you're still doing a bit Pete, even if it's not a lot. 

Have you worked out the Ikea shopping list for this? :P

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Great to see you back in the modelling spirit again Pete. If you take Kyle to an exhibition, it will be a pleasure to man the controls for a few minutes! (I really enjoyed playing trains on Paddock Wood).


Best regards,



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Hi Pete

Good to see this layout back again and that you're going to develop it. Sounds like your space issues are a bit like mine in the motorhome......

I've been recovering from a recurrence of an old sporting injury for the past few weeks, but have just started tracklaying on Port Mhorair and will hopefully be able to get on with it now.

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Blimey... Pete... Pete... yes, I remember someone called Pete.


Welcome back!


Regards, Andy

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Excellent to see you putting something on here again Pete, and glad to hear that the enthusiasm's returned... we could all do with a dose of that now and again ;-)

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Would it be more accessible for photographs without the pillar front right (nearest in the sketch)? The frame wouldn't be complete at the front but the floating lighting pelmet could look very classy.

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  • RMweb Gold

That trip to Southampton at the weekend seems to have done the trick. Good to have you back on board.



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Pete, very nice to see you back here :-)


Good idea to start off with something that is close to being finished. Hemingway used to say that a writer should never start off with a blank page in the morning. Much better to have something from the previous day's work to carry on with.


Looking forward to seeing more on this. We promise there will be no group pressure (well maybe a little bit  :P).

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning Pete,


Great to see you back. :D


Is this the 2014 PM Come Back tour with a limited edition re-issue! ;)


Look forwards to seeing this progress.





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  • RMweb Gold

Many thanks all - am overwhelmed at the responses...


Good to see that you're still doing a bit Pete, even if it's not a lot. Have you worked out the Ikea shopping list for this? :P
Thanks Kris - no need for a list as can reuse the lights - my wife went to Ikea before Christmas and forgot to get me two Lack shelves...how convenient!...


Great to see you back in the modelling spirit again Pete. If you take Kyle to an exhibition, it will be a pleasure to man the controls for a few minutes! (I really enjoyed playing trains on Paddock Wood).
Thanks Jeremy - sure thing...let me assess first whether there is operating potential left in it...


Hi PeteGood to see this layout back again and that you're going to develop it. Sounds like your space issues are a bit like mine in the motorhome......I've been recovering from a recurrence of an old sporting injury for the past few weeks, but have just started tracklaying on Port Mhorair and will hopefully be able to get on with it now.
Thanks Ian - Hope you are on the mend now - have been enjoying the motorhome blog updates...


Welcome back, Pete. Nice to see Kyle again; hope it works OK!
Thanks Bernard - Maybe the release of the Bachfar 37/4 will be well timed...


Blimey... Pete... Pete... yes, I remember someone called Pete.Welcome back!
Thanks Andy! - I was here in spirit...but not in blog...


Excellent to see you putting something on here again Pete, and glad to hear that the enthusiasm's returned... we could all do with a dose of that now and again ;-)
Thanks Jon - Have been tracking your progress on FB - see you in May I guess...


Welcome back Pete, good to see you modelling again.
Thanks Alex - I need to talk to Ken to remember you to him...


:clapping: Would it be more accessible for photographs without the pillar front right (nearest in the sketch)? The frame wouldn't be complete at the front but the floating lighting pelmet could look very classy.
Thanks Rich - Yep, like that as an idea...it sort of felt wrong to block off this corner and besides I like the cantilever too :good:


That trip to Southampton at the weekend seems to have done the trick. Good to have you back on board.
Thanks Jerry - It's good to be back - Probably means I was watching Glenuig without realising you were sitting just behind having your lunch...next time we'll meet.


Hi Pete, very nice to see you back here :-) Good idea to start off with something that is close to being finished. Hemingway used to say that a writer should never start off with a blank page in the morning. Much better to have something from the previous day's work to carry on with. Looking forward to seeing more on this. We promise there will be no group pressure (well maybe a little bit  :P).
Thanks Mikkel - Quoting Hemingway is pressure already :P But sound advice there me thinks...


Morning Pete, Great to see you back. :D Is this the 2014 PM Come Back tour with a limited edition re-issue! ;) Look forwards to seeing this progress. 
Thanks Mark - Various 80's one hit wonder bands string to mind...although I haven't made that one hit yet!...
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I feel your lack of juice - same thing happened to me!  However, new year, new enthusiasm etc etc.  Looking forward to seeing how it all develops.

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  • RMweb Premium

Glad too see you away from that orrible O gauge stuff although I note your still colour blind  :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold
I feel your lack of juice - same thing happened to me!  However, new year, new enthusiasm etc etc.  Looking forward to seeing how it all develops.
Thanks Kevin - Am always happy to draw you from the shadows ;) Likewise for you too...I have been catching up with your blog tonight via the 2mmFS feed...


Nice to see Kyle's resurrection! 
Thanks Lisa...It was hibernating I think...perhaps preferring the cooler climes of UK to Spain :sungum:


Glad too see you away from that orrible O gauge stuff although I note your still colour blind  :jester:
Thanks Nick - The 7mm will continue as I have merely rearranged the projects on my hob...won't be drawn on the colour as usual :P
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  • RMweb Gold
keep the posts coming, its a brilliant model, even to a "kettle" fan like me


Many thanks Paul - if I get it running again, it might even have the odd visit from a kettle...;)

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Many thanks Paul - if I get it running again, it might even have the odd visit from a kettle... ;)


I'm sure there are plenty of people who would volunteer one. 

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  • RMweb Gold
I'm sure there are plenty of people who would volunteer one.


Black 5 on a rail tour is in keeping... ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

Good to see Kyle back Pete. These might give you some ideas about workspace

The work tray is a pice of melemine with ply sides and can be sat on one of those TV dinner tables (may have come from Lidl I think)
It is sized to fit into the brief case. Storage, portability etc. solved. I do need a handy plug if soldering and a decent light in the room.
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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Don - Also for the mini workbench ideas too - think something like that will be the way forward for me - I need to think of what everyday tools I will need to set aside from the main ones...

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  • RMweb Premium

At last - Pete is back! Great news, we have all missed your posts. Happy that you and the family have settled back well. Knew you'd have no problem but I'll bet you all miss that lovely sunshine!!


As for never finishing stuff - remember what they say - it's really all about taking part, not the finishing! Besides, a lot of us have that problem with completing layouts.


Welcome back - it's great to see Kyle again and those superb sketches of yours.







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  • RMweb Gold

At last - Pete is back! Great news, we have all missed your posts. Happy that you and the family have settled back well. Knew you'd have no problem but I'll bet you all miss that lovely sunshine!!

As for never finishing stuff - remember what they say - it's really all about taking part, not the finishing! Besides, a lot of us have that problem with completing layouts.

Welcome back - it's great to see Kyle again and those superb sketches of yours.

Mike, hi and many thanks for your kind words - the weather has been adjusted to quite quickly (the worst the weather, the more incentive to stay in and do some modelling ;)) When I say complete, I mean 99% of course as no layout is ever really finished...is it?


Don - Could have sworn there were some photos included in your reply last night? :O

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  • RMweb Gold

Well I saw them too will re post.




Interesting. I cannot upload photos when replying to a Blog but I can pull in items from my media. So last night I opened a second window and added a post to my thread and uploaded the required photos. Then switched to this window and added them from my media. Which we both saw. However I forgot to actually post the reply to my thread and when I closed the browser later they obviously disappeared.


my apologies for the condfusion
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