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Chitton Sidings, Now on the New Forum!



Well hello there again everyone! :) I'm back again this time with Chitton. Some of you may remember my project from the old forum, where i was inspired by such layouts and thought i'd put forward my hasty attempts! The old thread can be found here: Thread on Old Forum


Well with working on Dearnford so much recently i have had to put the boxfiles to one side, and this morning, whilst sitting here putting off doing college work i thought i'd get them out, and have a good old photo shoot on the window sill! :lol: So bear with me as i transform into a 00 guage spotter now for the story behind the images!


With Dearnford TMD currently closed for extensive remoddling, various locos have found their way to Chitton Sidings for stabling, with light maintenence being done at Crewe Grest Bridge untill the depot come sback into full operation. This has produced a few unusual moves aswell as the day to shunting of wagaons wanting attention in the repair shop. So a morning was spent photographing some moves in the yard.




First off, taken from the embankment looking down, 37229 rolls along to the end of the siding to stable.




Another view of the loco as it slowly creeps along, under the bridge.


After a walk to the local Chippy for something to eat, we come back in the threatening weather to 09006 coupling up to a MHA wagon that needs attention to an axel...




After 09006 had moved off with the single MHA and then shunted it into the repair shop, 66135 creeps up after bringing the Weekly wagon repair train in from Warrignton Arpley. Normally te loco would go and stable at Dearnford TMD before working the return run in the afternoon, but because of the closure, had to stable at Chitton..




Another view of 66135 as we walk over the back of the yard on our way home..




Headed back in the afternoon to see if 66135 had left yet, no sign of anything other than these two wagons presumably awaiting attention...




Well what does everyone think?


I have also drawn up a list of things that need doing on the layout, this morning i broke the main wiring feed off the main layout that powers the track so this needs fixing, i also still need to add a backscene aswell as various signs and little cameo scenes dotted around. I am also looking towards an idea of extending the layout with a couple more boxfles beyond the road overbridge, maybe also extending the fiddle yard but this will wait untill work slows on Dearnford which is taking priority of my moddeling time at the moment.


More to come soon!




Recommended Comments

Good pictures there Danny.


(Could you tell me how on earth to start off a new blog on here please?! - cant seem to figure it out!)




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Hi Danny


Top stuff here icon_thumbsup2.gif More, more, more!!icon_lol.gif


where do buy Boxfiles from?? wouldnt mind making a little photo booth for me locos wink.gif biggrin.gif


Keep it up, well done!!





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Good pictures there Danny.


(Could you tell me how on earth to start off a new blog on here please?! - cant seem to figure it out!)





Roger, you go on the bit of the page at the tp, right hand side, with your picture next to it, click on the downwards arrow and select "My Settings". Once the page loads select "Layout and Workbench Topics/Blogs" on the settings part (Not at te top like normal" and follow the on screen instructions of how to make one there!!


Hope thats not too confusing :huh:


Thanks for the comments! :)



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Hi Danny


Top stuff here icon_thumbsup2.gif More, more, more!!icon_lol.gif


where do buy Boxfiles from?? wouldnt mind making a little photo booth for me locos wink.gif biggrin.gif


Keep it up, well done!!







Thanks for the kind comment George! :) Will keep you all updated as we progress! I bought mine from the local Tesco for about ??1.50 each at the time!



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Thanks Danny


Doh! Do I feel dumb or what!! Excuse my senior moment! Thanks for the help and keep up the good work matey





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