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So, what to start?- Itching fingers!

James Harrison


The B5 'Fish' engine has come on in leaps and bounds the last few weeks. Now all it needs to finish are a crew (sitting in the bits box) and some footplate steps (always the parts I struggle to make). There would be a photogrpah at this point, save for the fact that I foolishly let the batteries in the camera go flat....


So the question of course has to be, what to start next?


I would rather like to make a start on the planned D9, but I still need to order the appropriate boiler fittings. Otherwise I've got an A5 and a B3 that would make for 'simple' quick projects, except that the A5 would be jumping the queue and the B3... well having just finished a B4 and a B5 I'm rather tired of big 6-coupled locos for the present.


The new D10? I already have one, and a pair of D11s, I'd like to get something new finished before adding a fourth to the roster.


I could go for the Met E or F classes, but again I don;t have the right boiler fittings yet!


That leaves the nevvawazza Gorton mogul, except I don't have anything appropriate for a boiler yet...


.... Excuses, excuses....


Luckily I have plenty of rolling stock to get on with whilst waiting for my lack of bits/ materials situation to resolve itself- so the next project will be....




A conversion of a pair of Hornby clerestories to GCR all-third suburban stock. This should make a nice relaxing change to constant loco-building.


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