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Callow Lane - very low relief backscene factory - part 2

Captain Kernow


In the previous blog entry, I described the construction of a card 'very low relief' factory fascia, to go immediately in front of the backscene. There were a number of unresolved issues with this, not least the fact that the 'northlight' appearance end-on to the viewer, somehow didn't satisfy, as it would only really be convincing if viewed directly 'head on' from 90 degrees.


There was also the question of how to merge the road ('Callow Lane') into the backscene, once it had crossed the private siding into the chocolate factory, that runs behind the row of four cottages.


Following various discussions with friends, I have now modified the factory structure, and constructed some additional 'very low relief backscene components' to complete the scene.


To begin with, I replaced the 'northlight' ends with a similation of a simple, sloping roof on the computer, using 'Paint' (just about as advanced as I can get in that regard!). This was what it would look like:



I decided that changing the 'northlights' was a good move, but somehow the length of the factory unit dominated the scene, and there was still the issue of how to merge the lane into the backscene. In the end, I concocted another 'Paint' simulation, showing a set of factory gates immediately across the private siding. I also shortened the factory unit by one 'window bay' length, which I felt gave a more interesting visual appearance:



Having now finished the alterations to the main factory structure, and built the new factory gates and some lengths of brick wall (again using Scalescenes brick paper for the walls), I had a play around with the positioning of the left-hand rear factory building (the one that is behind the end of the row of cottages as you view the scene in these photos), to see whether it looked better closer to the gates or a bit further away. I've now boiled this down to three options...!


Option 'A'








Option 'B'







Option 'C'









Some more general views of this part of the layout (not all the final structures are in place in these photos):







The plasticard structure in this view is part of a disused platform, where only the rear wall remains, the visible section will be filled in with scenery and general overgrowth, where the old platform has been gradually dug away over the years, leaving little left:



This looks like one of the scratchbuilt nickel silver buffer stops you could buy, ready assembled, from Puffers in Kenton years ago. I bought the last three remaining ones he had in OO at the time, and used them on 'Engine Wood' and 'Bleakhouse Road'. This P4 one came to me courtesy of that fine fellow, Re6/6. I've now soldered it to some copper clad sleepers, which have been 'distressed' and cosmetic chairs added:



This is a Lanarkshire Models Midland Railway buffer stop kit from Dave Franks, and very nice it is too. I've cut some thin copper clad sleepers from some 0.6mm sheet (the end of this siding is laid using C&L flexitrack, which has thinner sleepers than the P4 Track Co stuff in the other view), and soldered the assembled buffer stop to them. Cosmetic chairs have still to be added. Assembly was pretty straightforward using low-melt solder from Carrs. I don't now have a dedicated low-temperature iron, but use a mains variable temperature Antex one. Even at the lowest setting, I still didn't trust the whitemetal not to simply melt when the iron touched the castings (they are essentially cast sections of Code 75 rail!), so I brought the iron up to temperature (lowest setting), turned it off again, and then used it to solder the pieces together. I'd personally recommend soldering these buffer stops, but you can use glue:


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  • RMweb Gold

Me too for option C.You've just answered my question on the Dave Franks buffers as I'll be getting some short GW types myself.I'm not too keen on whitemetal soldering but I'd give it a go with the right equipment.Nice work Tim.

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  • RMweb Gold

Another vote for option C from me. 


Those Lanarkshire buffers are very nice indeed! 

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