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Finally finished. All that is missing is the couplings but I leave these off as there are so many options. I ran it on my little test track an all seems very good. The final assemble was straight forward, with just a little fitting to get them right. This is even after time spent making sure it was all OK before painting. I am sure someone alters bits whilst you are not looking just to have a laugh at you later. It is all a bit fiddly getting the screws in , there are 10 in total some quite hidden.


I must say it has been nice to build something other than a steam loco. I do not think it will become a habit though. They don't light up the passion as a steamer does.


Hopefully I can get on with my next project now, not sure what it will be,I will have a look and see what I have.


Here are the photos, believe it or not they were all taken within few minutes, and look at the differences in colour. No wonder we have so many discussions about what the colour really is.







Happy 2014 to you all. For me I hope it lasts longer than 2013, which was too short for my liking.


Edited by N15class
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Beautifully done!

Thanks. It is one that I had for years and put off not wanting to form the bonnet. But after the West Country I built, what was I worrying about.

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