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Overdue update

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Hi everyone first my apoligies for the lack of updates recently since returning to full time work there just is'nt enough hours in the day.

Right well since the last blog entry Bletchford is no more. I had issues with the baseboards and to cut a long story short I moved up into the loft and started again. The replacement layout is on 3 levels and will be a long term project work concentrating at the moment on the building of a new show layout. AC lines is also no more as this has also been scrapped. The layouts last outing was Hornby live back in the summer but after not getting any pics of it in the mag I lost intrest with it and it was axed !! My new show layout is Wemblesden and is my take on the WCML in north London. The layout is16'x8' and will eventualy be automated so will make showing it a lot easer. Currently awaiting my membership of MERG to be activated so I can get on and plan the layouts control electronics although im getting a bit worried as I paid the membership fee+joining fee nearly 2 weeks ago but still hav'nt herd anything back. Fingers crossed is due to christmas and not they have done a runner with my money .....


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