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Merry Christmas to one and all plus forward progress!



Hi all,



It's been an age since I posted anything and that is somewhat lazy on my part!

I think by the time I keep up with my clubs requirements and the house/maintenance chores!! coupled with my own layout which I have started on again after some absence, there is not much time left!


Club wise, we have had a good year traveled/exhibited to a number of model rail club shows here in Ireland and been asked to exhibit at agricultural shows and Diorama diecast shows as well!


We are not a large club so, we will have to prioritize this in 2014 I think, as we are limited in what shows we can go to overall.


Club wise we are well under way with our 00 Gravel quarry Layout, this will be a handier size to transport about to shows this year!


From my own point of view my layout is progressing ? that's all I can say, The canal basin is coming along and the far end station is beginning to come together, hopefully, over the holidays I can get the biggest part of the track work completed? we will see!


I am fitting automation in a simple PLC format to the club quarry layout right now but, my old laptop is too old and my new one is too new so, I have the usual 232 coms linking problem! 232 adaptors are not doing the trick for me right now!!!


I have purchased DC driver starter kits from Sainsmart in China with Arduino and this will be the end format of control via the Ethernet cards produced, but that is long term, I would just like to program the Mini PLC right now, no doubt I will find a way with something. I have the basic route program written, I just need to link between PC and Plc!


This type of auto operation is useful for Exhibitions as, it will control the layout eventually with just one person to keep an eye out for derailments etc. So team wise, we can do shows with two people now! our large layout needed 4 minimum to cope with full running!


As we all know members have only limited time available, due to work and family commitments so, the fewer required for shows the better!!


We still have our modified original layout up and running in the Heritage hall where we are based and this has proved very useful to the Center as it attracts children in, they can operate this layout via push button for a designated time period, This is only DC just now but will take DCC probably in the spring, when we get a bit of spare time!


We can operate this layout normally on club running nights so members can run their older stock on this layout. Our larger exhibition 00 DCC layout is still around and we can assemble this for running nights as well.


I would think many of you are members of clubs, both large and small, I would find it hard to build what I have built, if it were not for the advice and help received from club members.


So to end I will say to anyone reading this, happy New 2014 when it comes and may it be a good one for you




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