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Just a quick update to show the start of the painting. The body is just resting on the footplate. Most of the painting has now been done, and I have started to reassemble the whole thing.


At the moment I am struggling with getting it to run. It was working fine before I did the painting, although the clearances were tight. Now the wheels and cranks want to catch on everything that is attached to the outer frames. When it is sorted I will be posting again.


I am pleased with the way the main painting has gone. I did have to do a bit of sanding to the body, and give it a respray. I had a little trouble with very high humidity. I hope to get to the workshop tomorrow but it is a holiday here so SWMBO is off work. I expect there will be other things to do.







I have also been thinking about how I use RMweb. and have decided that I will keep the blog, for the models I make for others and the ones that I sell.

It will also have my other ramblings and odd workshop entries too. But my own stock and loco builds I will do on a work bench thread. This I feel will be easier for me as I flit about with my own stuff, and feel that it is a waste of a page on the blog, but would be an ideal thread posting.

Well thats my idea anyway the thread will be started soon. Once I have sorted out a few pictures of things that are done, and or in the process of!!!

Edited by N15class
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I'm just working out where to saw up the old Lima "09" body in order to correct its many flaws. Some parts of the bonnet need stretching, whilst others - and the cab - need shortening!! Looks like fun, though.......

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I'm just working out where to saw up the old Lima "09" body in order to correct its many flaws. Some parts of the bonnet need stretching, whilst others - and the cab - need shortening!! Looks like fun, though.......


Thanks Ivan.

This one seems to compare ok with the drawing in with the kit. But that may be because their drawing is out too.

Best of luck with the cutting sawing and hacking. I will be interested to see the before and after photos.

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