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5813 - New windows and 42xx

The Fatadder


Following up from the work on this loco the other day, here is a photo of the finished windows:

(unfortunately I didn't take a 'before' photo, but there are plenty of the Airfix/Hornby 14xx online.)




Unfortunately an inability to spray at the moment, means that I cannot finish off the loco. Possibly once the new layout room is converted the temperature inside the garage will be ok for spraying.


The longer the loco goes without being painted, the more modifications I seem to be making to it. I am now giving serious thought to replacing the sandbox linkages with separate parts (shame no one makes an etch)


Moving onto the 42xx, the below photo shows the current state. Roof is removed for painting the interior, the filler in the sides needs a little more touching up prior to painting. Interested to see what is going to be in the Branchlines detailing kit, I suspect at the very least those glazing bars and missing rear doors will be there!

I also need to straighten the running plate, but again I will hold fire until I have the new chassis in 2 weeks time.


Looks like next spring is going to be rather busy with the spray gun, with these two along with 7723 requiring a coat of GW green paint.


Next to enter the works will be 7723 which will be getting its new injectors, window grills and a few other details fitting.


I have also been doing some research on my 2 castles, I had seen mention that 4085 Berkeley Castle ran with a Hawksworth tender in my period, however I have yet to find a photo confirming this (in 39 and in 52 it had the collett version) Similarly I understood Nunney Castle had the Collett tender, but the closest photo I have found (early BR crest dated 1950) had a Hawksworth tender. This turns things around a bit, with the ex Tintagnal Berkeley Castle keeping Tintagnals 4000gl Collett tender, and when I get Wellington (if Hornby ever deliver...) it can be a straight renumber to Nunney.

Does remind me of another job for this afternoon, bringing Berkeley's tender up to post war livery...

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Those MT etches certainly make a difference.  MT does a decent range of stuff these days don't you think? 

Mostly designed by Ian Rice I have used quite a few of their etches of one thing or another for my 4mm stock.

BTW, whose chassis have you used for the 58xx? High Level or Comet maybe?



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  • RMweb Gold

Yea, definitely some very handy bits in that range.


The 58xx has a high level chassis, just trying to get a couple of issues sorted on it, the idler shafts in the gear box had rusted adding a lot of resistance. Now stripped down and rebuilt and it's much better.

Also got a tight spot on one side of the chassis ( only when the right hand side con rod is attached) now in the process of trying to work out if it's a quartering issue or if there is a problem with the rod

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  • RMweb Gold

Problem identified

- one hole in con rod too small

- quartering fractionally out on one wheel

- far too much slop in lead axle


It is only the last point which remains to be addressed as I can't remember where the washers are for it. If you keep the wheels straight it pushes along ok now. So get those washers in an a motor fitted and it's good to go!

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