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Rosebay Willowherb day!



blog-0319665001383665977.jpgI hope the title of this one will be a little less controversial! So today I have been making - yes, you guessed Rosebay Willowherb to further liven up the bank. I adapted a method outlined in Gordon Gavett's book and got pretty quick at making them. Where I changed things was to use one full length of Hornby 'Field Grass' and dipped each end in tacky PVA and then a rather nasty Javis flock called 'Sandstone' (just about as far from sandstone as you can get!). When this had dried, which didn't take long I snipped them to length and dipped the other end in PVA and then some Woodland Scenic scatter. By the time I had finished a batch the first ones were ready for planting with a dab of PVA.




See what you think.


I have also planted some bushes and other sundry weeds and have to declare myself pretty pleased with the results.




Have also done a bit more fine detailing and this portion is almost finished. As it represents about a sixth of the total that is not bad going. I have another dug out to go in further down in the section that is actually on the fiddle yard board and then I can start work on this side of the track (the scatter you see in the pics is just mess from the other side. A bit of stock gives an idea of what it will all look like.






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  • RMweb Gold

Some beautiful scenic modelling and it all appears to be gelling together nicely.


Rolling stock is nicely weathered too.





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