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A Sad Day for the WMR



It's been a long year for this layout.


Unfortunately, due to space constrictions and a few other issues, the Welsh Midland Railway will have to be saved for another day, when, perhaps, a larger layout space might be available. This all being said, I shall return, for the time being, to "N" scale, and model something I actually live (almost) right next to. The intersection of the old Boston & Maine Railroad's Portland-Boston mainline and the Portsmouth-Manchester "Portsmouth Branch" is only in the next town...so Rockingham Junction it is! I find the B&M to be a fitting modelling subject for family reasons as well, as my great-great-grandfather was killed on that road, way back in the steam days, up in Maine. I shall enjoy the easier access to the area being modelled, as well as easier access to the models themselves (it's easier to drive to shop in local Manchester than it is to order from a shop located in the overseas Manchester!).


The Raymond & Rockingham layout, I think, shall be a fun build. I do look forward, though, to a day when my GWR clerestories may run regularly, and my "singles" aren't just pretty to look at in a box.


Happy Modelling,



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