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It all takes so long!



blog-0405316001380665986.jpgHad quite forgotten how long detailing and sorting out the chassis takes. Have managed to finish all of my more pressing proper work now and spent last night and rather too much of today on the Hunslet chassis. Fitting the brakes took ages. As I am using them to locate the pick up wire I made replacement hangers from plasticard and stuck the detailed shoe to these. Am using some very thing Berilium Copper wire in a single run over the tops of the wheels held down by the brake hanger rods which have had black wire insulation put over them. A very discreet but effective method.


So, with pickups in place and the body precariously blu-tacked on, it was time for a quick run which went well except for the bottom of the gear box casing hitting the points but soon sorted out with a file (on the gearbox not the points!). Then to the valve gear. On this subject the instructions could be better but with lots of pictures and drawings from various sources it has been worked out. Am about half way through one side but currently held up by the prospect of having to make a replacement link (the one supplied just too fine to be drilled out for rivet), and a broken pin on the lost wax casting which holds the connecting rod to the cross head. Neither problem is insurmountable but is probably best left until tomorrow.


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