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25 years



blog-0258456001379880686.jpgWell this year I celebrated 25 years of building model railways.


On the Mattington layout I have finally run out of room for new models, as part of the 25 year celebration I scratchbuilt a small factory to go in the back corner complete with a chimney (Bachmann)


I started working on the lights, however since most of the buildings are industrial, night scene lights are fairly limited. I have a welding unit and oil brazier for daytime lighting and station lights and yard lights for night time.


Then I started on the next baseboard to beyond the scenic break of the station bridge. Having a couple of light industrial buildings already pre-made these have gone in the back corner. In front of that after walking along a very overgrown disused rail track I have an abandoned spur line with an abandoned coach on it. The board is broken by the two main tracks which tight curve but there is a large a gap at the front. I have just had the idea this weekend what to do with it. A short siding leading to a loading platform, a huge scratchbuilt 1 to 2 storey factory, a narrow (009) track sweeping round (in and out). All in all a fairly ambitious project, but it should be interesting to make and should look fairly busy when finished, this time I am going to have a go with modelling clay as a change from my usual slaters sheets.


I have just finished wiring up the point motor (Seep PM1) took a bit of a while but thats probably since I got the C and D wires muddled up. (Not sure how.....) and the track is all cut and modified to fit the point in place.


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