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Netherley Station Canopy -'Are We There Yet?'

REC Farnborough


The exhibition is getting CLOSE!


The ridge was then added from 'curly masking tape' from 'Halfords. Designed to follow curves it dealt with the ridgeline quite well, and its 'wrinkled' effect represents canvas/tarpaulin very well when sprayed with a 'sea grey'.



The next step was to fit the valancing. Faced with the choice of making my own - thousands of 'v'-shaped cuts, thousands of 1mm holes - or using Brian Lewis's 'Timbertracks' product, I bottled it! The laser-cut valancing comes with sufficient parts to build just about any variant of 'two-hole' valancing that existed - it was just a case of trimming them to length and assembling with a fast-grab PVA.




When dry, they were painted with 'Precision' 'Light Stone', with the first coat well-diluted with white spirit to act as a primer.


The ends were a little different. They are designed (and are 'handed') to provide the ends of a single-platform valance. So a slight 'mod' was required. Each end used the ends from one pack each - and to match the width, inserts had to be added -




When dry, the ends were again painted in 'Light Stone' but the bargeboard was picked out in Dark Stone.


On to the glazing - and despite good advice I went with my first choice - 'Copydex' (diluted about 1:1). Each pane was cut to size, dilute adhesive run round the frame with a cocktail stick and the glazing laid in place.




The glazing units were then added to the canopy from beneath.




One week down - so far - so good. Only 10 years to go....


The roof was then 'dirtied' with multiple applications of oil pastel in various shades to take away the 'newness'. A ladies 'blusher' brush is the ideal tool - just make sure she's out when you do it!


Last job was to make the support columns. They are commercially-available and I went for the 'John Piper' variant. Which at 52mm high were too small.... With the deadline on top of me, I had no choice but to 'mod' those as well, cutting them in half and inserting the ends into 'Evergreen' tubing. I'm not happy with the result and after the exhibition I'll make some that will look better both in appearance & fit...


However, today was the 'moment of truth' and it was off to the club with the end result...








- and Mrs Smith is very grateful as she is now able to reach the Ladies Waiting Room' despite the worst efforts of South-westerly gales!


So is it finished? In a word, 'No'. Apart from the columns there are other details to be added - guttering between the two main roof elements & their associated down-pipes on the buildings. The various 'facilities' still have to be signed, and the obligatory Company & commercial adverts are still needed. So I guess after the exhibition, I'll get it back for a while. Better not fill the workshop too much!


If you are coming to the Show this weekend (Woking Liesure Centre - 10.30-5.00pm Sat, 10.00-5pm SUn,) drop by the layout & say hello. Im one of the two 'beardy blokes' - and if you choose Laurie he'll soon disabuse you! I'll also be wandering round the show in my other guise as the Club Publicity Officer complete with a name badge to suit - so say 'Hello' as well!





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