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Bare Bones - A blast from the past (2007)

The Bigbee Line


blog-0529822001378234214.jpgJust found these images of a 'bare bones', a 4 foot mini layout from 2007


Take a some code 75 peco track and some second hand medium points. There is a small traverser that allows shunting between the sidings. This with the points allows limited run rounds. It got as far as some ballast and greenery before if went on ebay.


Easy to operate, but not economically viable to sell. The postage is the killer.


The stock is Kadee boxcars and an Atlas S-2 with an MRC sound decoder. It was easy to fit. I plan to tweak the position of the speaker to improve the sound.


bare bones 20070311 014

bare bones 20070311 016


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