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Ballasting at Buckden



Things have been a bit quiet at Buckden over the past month, both on the blog and in the railway room. This has been mainly been to work and travel, and as I'm heading off on Eurostar today that isn't going to improve soon! I've also been distracted by another little railway project not directly related to Buckden, but which I might share here sometime.


Anyway! One thing that has happened at Buckden and not been blogged is ballasting. Buckden, like many Midland branch lines, was a lightly laid affair, which is why I laid track directly onto the baseboard. Studying photos of the station the ballasting was a fairly light affair too! I decided to go with Guagemaster granite chippings, which i may tone down a little in the future but look about right for now. Before ballasting I painted the rail sides and sleepers by hand with Phoenix Precision P991 Track dirt (labourious but very relaxing!) and then brushed a little Phoenix Precision P977 Track Colour (Rusty Rails) onto the rail sides whilst the track dirt was still a little wet. The result I like as a base, and will weather in a little more later - probably with a wash of grey onto the ballast. I do really like Phoenix Precision paints - they are the nicest to use with great cover, and buying direct from the website I've always had excellent service and very fresh seeming paint!


For ballasting I brushed the ballast into place with a small brust, then used a smalll syringe filled with a mix of 4:1 Water/PVA and 2 drops of cheap washing up liquid per pint of mix to break the surface tension. I actually found that I needed to add more washing up liquid each session, as it seems to loose it's influence over a day!


Anyway, photos below, as you can see the process was aided by four Bachman EWS weathered MWAs (38-013A), which were an anniversary present from K, hauled by a Lima EWS liveried Class 37 I picked up cheap at the extra Calne show a few weeks ago.







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  • RMweb Gold

EWS at Buckden!!?


:D That's what I was thinking. More J15/E4 on a few old ballast wagons.


Still nice to see and I guess as a 'What if' it would have been possible if the line still existed.


Wishful thinking! 

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Thanks both! It's peco code 75 - which transitions to code 100 setrack for the fiddle yard.


When I was thinking about building Buckden I was planning on keeping it prototypical with what I ran on it, but I find myself really liking modern image stuff too much not to be tempted. So I think in my mind the line didn't close, and provides a diversionary route occasionally. I also decided that it's my railway and I can run whatever I like!


I think it would look wrong to have big mainline steam or anything too heavy for the truss bridges when I'm running in steam mode, but in my history these were upgraded some time in the 70s - perhaps the ironstone quarries continued to be productive and wanted a route to east coast shipping?


So expect to see the occasional modern image freight, small passenger service (I have an arriva liveried 121 which was the start of a not yet made Cardiff Bay model (for which I also have a laser survey of Cardiff bay station building!)) and I think sprinters and super sprinters would look right, occasionally passing by the Ivatts in the goods yard.

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The truss bridges were all between Huntingdon and St Ives, which is where the weight restrictions were. In the "what if" if you assume the EWS loco came off at Huntingdon, or the section between Huntingdon and StIves had closed there seems to be no reason why one couldn't appear at Buckden. The had things like 8fs at the Kettering end of the line, and a Jubilee appeared I think, and wasn't the dreaded "Blue Pullman" tested on the line?.

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So does that mean the 8F would have/could have passed through Buckden? I was working on the basis that they went the other way but a thundering ore train might be quite exciting!

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