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Building someone else's layout 2.



Hello all,


I seem to be having a few productive days of late, Todays task was to push my brothers new layout along so out came the tools and i made a start on the bridge that forms the scenic break to the fiddle yard, nothing to adventurous, embossed brick for the walls some plastic strip and a couple of Peco bridge sides job done. I was going to leave it a redish brick colour but instead decided on an engineers blue brick that has been fairly weathered, overall i'm fairly pleased with it.

Whilst the paint was out i painted the base colour to the aggregate yard then fitted the conveyer, hopper etc plus some fencing and a portacabin.


Other work recently completed has been fitting all the platform edging, hiding 3 Dapol uncoupling magnets in the track and about half the ballasting, one thing i or he needs to do is source about 4 feet of code 40 rail so i can install the 3rd rail into the platforms.

One platform has now been filled with decorating filler and sanded flat, i can't finish platform one until the bridge is fixed in place so need to get it glued in and crack on.


New bridge








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