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Festival of Model Tramways, Croydon 20th July

Red Devil


Grime Street made the long journey south to Croydon Friday evening (ah the joys of the M25 at teatime....) to attend the Festival of Tramway Modelling this year held in the air conditioned comfort of Fairfield Halls, Kew bridge is a nice venue, but sometimes the heat can be a bit oppressive.


Usual story of PPP (you know what I mean) but in my defense I've managed 4 days of since early April, all exhibiting at shows.....anyway we were up and running before the punters arrived, we being me, Mrs Red Devil who acts as brew fetcher in chief (hugely important task in my book!) and Fellow Rmwebber 'Purple Door' aka Andy who shares my unusual interest in Leeds trams........


Andy brought along a selection from his fleet to rum so we had a pretty varied output of cars out in the end......


The Magnorail cyclist took the trip too and was a big hit with plenty so need to get that middle board done asap.....


So amongst the things I didn't take was a camera, however Andy to the rescue and some video and shots of the layout, All Andy's and used with his permission.....


























Overall a very good day out, big thank you to Andy, seeing as I spend most of times at exhibitions seemingly talking, so having another operator was a huge help.


Saw sod all of the show as per usual will have to catch up with it on Youtube later!


Usual story now of how I can make it better and plans are afoot for quite a few things including more extensions and possible inter running, all of course subject to the usual lack of time etc, but please keep watching.......


Just a little taster of some of the things I'm playing with.....tram replacement bus service may be in operation soon.... :lol:


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