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Progress (of a sort)

REC Farnborough


Definite progress on the balustrade for the subway -




This is the test cut from the drawing on the earlier blog. A very nice piece of work from Jonathan. I've made a correction to extend the legs slightly to make it easier to fix them into the surround, and of course the balustrading is made of several of these panels.


Much midnight oil was burned fitting out the station buildings with the remaining windows (the 'louvres' on the 'Gents Toilet' are actually 'Evergreen' '80 thou clapboard siding cut to fit the frames) and doors being fitted. The roof to the main building was build as a removable panel to allow interior detailing at a later date. With the exhibition deadline looming both buildings have now been set into the platform -




during a work period last week, and at the same meet the first of the main canopy bays (over the 'ladies') was ALMOST completed!




Now I've only got 2 more main trusses to build (about 3 evenings work) and about 27 more longditudinal trusses (about 14 evenings work!) then put it all together....


However, I'm going to have a couple of days off - and do some of my own modelling!






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