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By way of an introduction



I thought it is about time I documented some of my projects, partly to see if anyone else had similar odd interests and partly as an incentive to getting some of them finished, or perhaps just even started! I am a terrible procrastinator & time-waster.


Why the name “Notlob” you may be thinking? Well from 1864 to 1898, Isaac Watt Boulton ran a locomotive conversion and remanufacturing business, taking cast-off early locos and rebuilding them as industrial locomotives, which were then hired out to contractors. As everyone of a certain generation will know, Notlob is a palindrome of Bolton*. I’m aware it’s “Boulton” not “Bolton” but “Nuotlob’s Siding” just seemed silly.


Anyone who’s curious about the real Boulton’s Siding could do worse than finding a copy of "The Chronicles of Boulton's Siding" by Alfred Rosling Bennett, first published by the Locomotive Publishing Company in 1927, reprinted by David & Charles 1971, ISBN 0-7153-5318-7. The reprint can be readily be found either as a paperback or hardback. Oakwood Press produced a nice little paperback volume of drawings of Boultons Sidings locomotives ISBN 0-85361-397-4 "Volume 6: Boultons Sidings including Contractors Locomotives" by Mike Sharman.


Mr. Boulton's activities closely resemble my own modelling in 2mm & Nn3, where for ages I’ve been trying all sorts of shortcuts in the construction of models. This usually turns out to be nothing of the sort and it probably would have been quicker to scratchbuild in the first place. But hey-ho, it keeps me entertained. I also have the attention span of a grasshopper and am easily distracted by interesting diversions. This is why I have five different small layouts and am contemplating yet more. I did once give myself a severe telling off and determined to find a theme and stick to it. I did, for a while...and then my all good intentions failed. I've long ceased to worry about it.


Anyway, that’s enough for now. The next instalment will be a lucky dip into my store cupboard of eccentric projects.




*I refer m'learned colleagues to Monty Python's Parrot Sketch…





Edited by 2mmMark

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I hope one day I will have long ceased to worry about my own distractions too. Having fun is what it's all about. 

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I get distracted while I'm distracted. Does that amplify the condition, or cancel it out? I look forward to your exposure of your eccentric projects. At least I did a minute ago, but I've alighted on something else now..

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  • RMweb Gold

A man after my own heart - is that sweet running little Peckett of yours Norwegian blue?

Can we get updates on the American 1:160 as well as the 2FS and Nn3. 



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Hay Mark, welcome to the bloggo-thing.


So I'm puzzled...


are you going to model cast off early Victorian locos?


... or are you going to model with cast off early 2mm and N gauge stuff?


BTW, RMWeb is of course an excellent way to procrastinate and waste time.



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Hello Mark.


Cant wait to see some more of your eclectic modelling. Thank you for starting a blog.


Missy :)

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  • RMweb Gold

I knew straight away that the title referred to Boulton's Siding. A very interesting book with some very interesting old locomotives. It's nice to see something a bit out of the ordinary being modelled too.

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  • RMweb Premium

Notlob returns. And about bloody time too!

all the best!,


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