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Hi all,


It's been more than a month now since my last post on the HOe front but life has not been all idleness. Two points were damaged during the point wiring so they've been replaced after attempts at repair proved fruitless. In the process a short curved piece of track was damaged. This was glued down (never again) so needed to be removed carefully!


Needless to say the new point was installed, a new piece of track laid and the end result is actually better than before! The points was slightly re-aligned to give a better curve and trains no longer seem to hop around the corner...


Some more stock was acquired at the end of May, this is for the big HOe layout, in Faversham as part of the visit to the show there, at the Shepherd Neame brewery. Worth a visit!


A visit to the international N gauge society group meeting and Railex in Amersham have followed and last weekend: Chatham. Great show as always! Now if they send me the English text of what they say on the welcome sign, then I'll send them back a translation in Dutch that actually makes sense. My native language is Dutch but even then I can't male head or tails of it!






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