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Station Buildings in N



Welcome back to my slow moving 'N' Project!


As the blogs suggests, this is to be a layout set on the Kent Racetrack between Redhill and Folkestone namely at Headcorn and showing an upgraded dual track branch to Tenderden. The concept is that after World War 1 Tenterden was selected as a prototype new town or Garden Suburb (take your pick). To support this, the K&ESR was taken over by the newly formed Southern Railway and the town was developed. As the original station is down a very narrow lane, a new station was built, head on, on the road towards Ashford near St. Andrews Catholic Church.


As this was shortly after partitioning, it couldn't be named after the Catholic church so was called Tenterden St. Michaels instead. This new station had two finger platforms for four platform faces. It also had a goods yard on the North East side and a small locomotive depot with turntable towards the West. A chord was built from the new station to connect with remainder of the K&ESR and their passenger trains now terminated at the new Tenterden station. A link track was also provided along the original line to allow goods trains to run through....


Fast forward to 2013.... The line was electrified and commuter trains now run up to Charing Cross (although you have to change at Headcorn off peak as the new town wasn't really that successful), so passenger numbers are not high enough to support dedicated services.


The station still has two platforms, the layout remains the same, they have been lengthened to cope with 12 car trains, but otherwise the passenger part has pretty much remained the same. The goods yard has been converted into a couple of rolling stock sidings and a little spur for the resident shunter (more about this later).


The two tracks between the two finger platforms have retained a crossover to allow engineering train loco's to run round. The remaining track, on the far left as you're looking away from the station, is used by the K&ESR. It has a run-around loop on it's outside.... There is a link to the K&ESR from the mainline. This is accessed from the second (leftmost) of the two tracks between the two platform fingers.


So in 2013 trains of the K&ESR arrive and depart from platform 1, platform 2 is used rarely used, mostly for light engine workings to the K&ESR turntable and shed, or to hold the carriages for a departing excursion. Platform 3 is used for incoming heritage excursions and as a spare for normal mainline workings. Platform 4 is the normal shuttle service to Headcorn's platform.


The little shunter is used to pull rakes of stock out of platform 2 and push them into either the sidings or back to platform 2.


So I have given my vision, what do you think? Realistic (enough)?


So where do I find station building (kit or ready built) that would suit this size of station? Most stations I see in N seem to be suited to Settle and Carlisle or GWR branch line... This is surprising as N is a superb scale to build something big (my heritage trains are 10 coaches, K&ESR 6). My eyes (and skills) aren't up to building something from scratch.


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