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Latest on the South Coast



Much work has been carried out recently on the station with a few new lights replacing a couple that have been causing a few problems and at the moment I'm still in the middle of creating some good old fashion station signs. Being a South Coast layout, I'm always extending my Bulleid light pacific fleet so I have been getting more SR Battle of Britain's to add to the collection - just so happens one of them has a Dover shedcode which fits in very well! I have been very lucky with an old but fantastic runner 34054 Lord Beaverbrook, one of the Battle of Britain's Hornby brought out in the 1970's/1980's I believe - its an absolutely great loco!

Will get pictures of the station soon and if anyone knows a good website for station signs e.g. Virol/ Golden Shred/ poster for Bournemouth Belle/ ACE/ Golden Arrow etc - sort of signs or posters you would find at a 1950's Southern region railways station, it would be much appreciated. Thanks





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