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Well a little more of this done, I have had a good time with the airbush, all of the model has turned black, I have also managed to get the red on the frames and buffer beams.




The tender chassis was assembled but I need to remove the wheels again and add a few more washers to get rid of some of the slack.









The tender has also lost its green and gone to all black. I think it looks quite smart in black. I feel it will look very sharp in the mixed traffic lining.







The boiler and footplate were rested together just to get a feel of the finished article. The lining is next, now that will slow me down. Knowing the rate that I line at.








I must say though I am looking forward to the lining, I just hope I do not make to much of a mess with it.

Edited by N15class
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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

Hi Pete. Oooh, that paint job looks silky smooth. When you labour over the lining, think of the end result! As you say, it will look so sharp.

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Hi Pete. Oooh, that paint job looks silky smooth. When you labour over the lining, think of the end result! As you say, it will look so sharp.

Thanks Mikkel.

I was looking at doing it BR green but I have no idea when the colour change or when it got the Collet tender. So as new was the best option. It will look different to all the green ones anyway.

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  • RMweb Gold

As a GWR fan I hate to admit it, but there are certain classes that actually look better in black, I think. There, I've said it! :-)

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Hi All,


That is and continues to be an amazing transformation Peter!


Mikkel - its ok to like them in different colours. GWR machines come in various shades of green, black, khaki and even blue and its all good as far as I'm concerned! As long as you like what's under the paint...


All the best,



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I prefer black lined engines to green. BR mixed traffic/LNWR I think looks good, but I much prefer Southern lined green.

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That's a beautiful paint job, not a speck of dust in evidence, the humidity out there may work against you sometimes but maybe it helps to lay the dust too, or is it you have a super efficient missus?

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That's a beautiful paint job, not a speck of dust in evidence, the humidity out there may work against you sometimes but maybe it helps to lay the dust too, or is it you have a super efficient missus?

Hi Sleeper

Thanks for the praise.

Swmbo does do a bit of house work, but as I am the one not working most of the cleaning is for me.


The humidity is a real pain. Even with a moister trap on the compresser I sometimes get more water than paint. I think the temperature is the bonus a the paint flashes off quickly. It took me a few goes, when I came here to thin the paint more than normal for the UK.


Early morning is best for painting, about 6:00 it is only about 24C, by lunchtime it is usually 35C+ then about 3:00 it quite often rains, I suppose that is why it is called the rain forest.


For hand brushing and lining I have the air con on, otherwise the paint just dries to quickly. Keep thing I should try a spray booth and see if I can work with the air con on..

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