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The winter of discontent :(



Well, my modelling of any scale Rhb HOm or HO NSB had to come to a complete halt after we returned from a Ski trip to Andorra to find the house had be flooded severly during our stay away.


My recent purchases of Bemo for my HOm and my modern UK outline were destroyed as they were in the rear utility room that was 4ft deep of stagnant water, my Norwegian HO survived thanks to being in the loft, but alas they have had to go into store until we move back to the house in 3 weeks time, Ive lost contact with the hobby and gaining my feet gradually . things are difficult when literally you have to fully furninish 99% of your home and electricals only this week have I managed to sign into RM web, however I will perservere and add more posts soon [ :)]


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I can empathise, my house flooded a few years ago, just after we had finished renovating it from an empty shell, and it took about 5 months to get back in properly. I hope your insurance covers you.

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